The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

So many people long to be successful and happy. We search high and low for the secrets and tips that will once-and-for-all get us off our treadmill-like life and simply be able to enjoy our time here on earth. We have the huge benefit of modern technology, farming techniques, and medical procedures that make a long and healthy life possible and commonplace. While we have all that, we have likes and talents that scream for fulfillment, but seem trapped inside our bodies in a cell that keeps them from ever being fully realized. The reason to me is clear:

There is an elephant in the room that blocks our dreams.
There is an elephant in the room who conspires to undermine our efforts.
There is an elephant in the room who divides us from our families and loved-ones and makes them our enemies.
There is an elephant in the room who makes our most basic life-affirming actions heavy and difficult beyond their natural level.
There is an elephant in the room who blocks and controls the path to any form of success and happiness possible to men* and mankind.
There is an elephant in the room who refuses to allow peace and prosperity to spread around the world.
There is an elephant in the room who none of the self-help gurus speak about.

This elephant is not our psychology.
This elephant is not our failure to believe strongly enough.
This elephant is not our laziness.
This elephant is not our lack of knowledge.

I submit that the huge elephant in the room, blocking us from fulfilling our dreams, is:

The State.

The State, i.e. Government and all the people behind it that work to destroy our God-given autonomy**–people who have worked (sometimes for centuries) to regulate and direct everything from our actions to our thoughts, our families and our loved-ones, our dreams and our reality, and, now, our health and well-being.

If your coach or guru (and that does not have to be and is not a disparaging term) is failing to mention the huge elephant in the room and is only offering you mantras to become a ‘money-magnet’€™ or ‘€˜love-magnet’™ then they are playing you for a fool. You consciously or unconsciously know that all is not right in the world, and that realization cannot be ignored without forever keeping you in the hole of “€œwhy is this so hard?

*of course I mean men and women.
**(or ‘nature-given’€™ if you prefer.)


Liberty Tapper

To anyone looking to learn about and promote liberty, these times may indeed be the "the best of times and the worst of times." Learning steps to make yourself stronger and more resilient in these times is crucial. I hope you will join me.

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